Friday, March 2, 2007


That's what they call it: epiphany. In comics, it might be a light bulb in a thought bubble; for most of us, it's a moment of clarity when we realize something we had not thought about before. It's a "Wow, I could have had a V-8" moment. That's what I want to do on this page. I'm thankful for those who have awakened realizations in me, when all I had were the cookie-cutter thoughts that my mind lazily accomodated because I wasn't willing to think things through.

I'm not a genius. I just want to give every person a chance at his/her own moments of epiphany. If it happens to you, I'm happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have long suspected that you are a genius. You see many things with a clarity that is missing in high places and low.

You are also able to give a perspective to things that causes me to think. I think I really do have cookie cutter thoughts.